Thursday, July 23, 2009

Boys, ugh!!!!!

I have decided that I cannot date until I am 30, or else I just have to date men that are way older than me! They say that girls mature faster than boys and I fully believe that! I just need a major vent, and what's more perfect than my own blog?
There are a couple guys that I used to have crushes on from high school that have just started talking to me again and both have decided they would like to try a relationship. The thing is, I am no longer into them. We don't really have anything in common, it was only ever a crush, it would never actually work. Then there is an old ex of mine that wants to get back together and says he never got over me. I feel bad, but I have no feelings for him anymore. Then there is a guy that I dated a little bit this past year but we just have nothing in common and to be quite honest, he bugs me to no end. What's a girl to do? I am not looking for my "soul mate" right now, I don't expect to find him at age 20, but still I have no interest in dating these guys. When I try saying that I am told that I have led them on and I'm just playing with them. That's not what I'm doing at all and I don't like being guilt tripped about my feelings.
I love being Methodist but all of this drama is almost enough to make me consider converting to Catholicism, joining a convent, and becoming a nun!
Ok, rant over. Time to go finish making dinner for the one man in my life I'm not completely frustrated with, my daddy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chocolate Frogs...a plague on my thighs!

Frogs may have been one of the plagues of ancient Egypt, but now they have come back as a plague on my thighs! I made them for taking to my friend's house last week and they were so adorable and so much fun to make! So of course I will be making them again in the future! Here is a picture of them for those of you that asked.
Heading to the doctor in about an hour and then a hair appointment for my mom. Riding along to get an opinion on me getting a loose perm. I love doing my hair with my spiral curling iron but it takes so long that it just isn't practical in accordance with my school schedule.
After that I think I am heading out for a bike ride with my friend Crystal. Hopefully the storm holds off so that we can. We haven't gone in over a week and we are definitely due for one! Especially after all the frogs I ate!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Long time no blog

The few days leading up to the Harry Potter party and the days following have been crazy so I'm just now getting on to catch up. Everyone loved their scarves! And the cute little chocolate and peppermint frogs I made. We had a ton of fun and I'm very glad that I stuck with it and got the scarves done.

Then my cousin's fiancee's bridal shower was on Saturday so we went to Ohio for that. She was adorable and I think she will fit in with the family perfectly.

I finished another booga bag except for the felting and have started yet another. Now that I made one, everyone wants one. My friend's mom saw her daughter's and really wanted one so I am working on that now and will felt it at the same time as the one that is already done. (save my parents some money on that water bill!)

I am happy to report that I ate in moderation while at my friend's house even though there were some very delicious things, and am still on track with my weight loss goal!!! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I bought the Wii fit last week and have been playing every day, along with my bike rides and walks over the last several weeks and the result is that I have lost a size! I am very excited. Now, comes the hard part. I am leaving tomorrow for my friend's house to celebrate the release of the new movie. To celebrate each of us is making several items from the books. I am bringing the chocolate frogs, peanut butter fudge, and chocolate fudge. Cami is making pumpkin pasties and acid pops. The other Chelsea is making Butterbeer (non-alcoholic). I am also making peppermint frogs. All of this adds up to packing on all the pounds that I just worked so hard to lose. I have a huge sweet tooth and I feel this week will be my downfall! I'm taking my knitting with me in hopes that if I knit while we are watching the previous movies I will be less tempted to reach into the goodie bags! There will probably be another post later after I am done with the fudge and frogs. I would like to post pictures of the frogs because they are going to be cute, and also the Hufflepuff Scarf that is waiting to have its picture taken.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Yesterday my mom took me shopping for various things. I went to AC Moore and found a frog mold for making candy so I can make the chocolate frogs and peppermint frogs from Harry Potter for this week. I also found some gorgeous wool that I will have to take a picture of and post before too long. My mom also found some wool that she bought for me to make her a bag. We also found colors of Red Heart yarn to perfectly match the comforter I bought this year so mommy bought some and promised to make me a blanket. I taught her how to crochet a couple of years ago and she loves making blankets for people. She makes a bunch of baby blankets and donates them to my older sister for auctions they do at the hospital where she works. The auctions benefit the American Cancer Society. I guess they make a couple hundred on each blanket. I believe it's a Chinese auction ( I get confused on what type is what, but people buy tickets and put the tickets in for whatever items they want and a name is pulled).
I also bought a ton of things for my apartment. WalMart was having a sale on dorm related materials in really fun colors so I went and stocked up on all of my blue items (blue is my favorite color and one of my school colors) I bought rugs for my bathroom, new towels, a 4-in-1 stick vacuum that works on tile and carpet (ideal for my apartment this year) a new lamp with a blue base, a new saucer chair in black (alas they were out of blue), measuring cups in blue, a new lasagna pan (blue lid) silverware (to go with the blue dishes my older sister is giving me), and then some of my school supplies. I didn't have some of these things because when I was in the dorms I shared with 3 other girls and we didn't have a kitchen. This past year I lived in a house and upstairs there was me and another girl so we split what we needed to buy. This year I am in a small student apartment on my own so I needed to buy the things that I didn't buy last year. I had a lot of fun picking everything out, especially since everything is made by the same company to match.
I also went to the mall there because I had a great coupon for Bath and Body Works. You spend $15 and get a free wallflower scent. So I bought shampoo and conditioner to try because I like all of their other products. That was $10 so I bought body wash for my mom that she wanted so that I was up to the $15 and then bought Warm Vanilla Sugar wallflowers for my apartment.
I am very excited for this year. I can't wait to live on my own. I am a neat, organized person and living with people tends to wear on me because they tend not to be as tidy as I am. At the same time, however, I won't really be alone. I am only minutes from campus so my friends can come over. Plus, it is a student apartment complex and a lot of my friends will also be living there. I am also excited because I was looking over my schedule for this semester and it will be "light" in comparison to this past year. The fall of last year I took 14 classes and this past spring I took 13 (not to be confused with credits, this is actual number of classes). This semester as of right now I only have 9. I might add one or two more but I'm not sure. Right now I only have one Friday class so I am very excited. It is over at noon so I will have the whole afternoon to study and then be free for the weekend. With not doing marching band this year and having only one class on Friday I will actually be able to go home more often and I am very excited. I only go to school an hour from home but my schedule only allowed me to go home on breaks and maybe once or twice besides that during each semester. My older sister (the one that works in a hospital 5 hours away) comes home more often than I do! Mom is very excited about my schedule as well. My parents try not to play favorites, but out of the three of us I am the one that is most like my mom so we spend as much time together as possible.
Oh my goodness this is getting long! I better be off. I promised mom some home made pumpkin bread for putting up with taking me all over creation to get the things I needed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wii Wii

I went on a 5 mile bike ride today with my friend Crystal and her mom to Walmart (2 1/2 miles one way). While we were there I saw the WiiFit and know that my mom and little sister really wanted it so I decided to splurge and bought it for the family. I'm not home 9 months of the year but I figure it will be a good investment for the rest of the family and I can use it when I am home on break. We got it out as soon as I got home and mom, dad and I all had a blast with it. Hopefully this will help my dad (and all of us for that matter) get in better shape. My dad is diabetic and does not take care of himself like he should. He exercises little and eats junk all day long. He likes this and thinks it is fun and we bought him a Wii baseball bat for Father's Day to play Wii Baseball so hopefully he will get in the game and get back to a more healthy lifestyle.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

MIA no more!

My Camera has finally been located!!!!! I am so excited. I tore the house apart today looking for it because my mom's memory card turned out to be full and I wanted to give Crystal her bag ASAP.
So here are the pictures I've been waiting to put up....The Slytherin Scarf, the Ravenclaw Scarf and Crystal's Booga Bag!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July to all of you who celebrate it! It was a cold but clear day here so our parade was nice in the thick band uniforms. The only problem is that somebody thought it would be smart to put the horses at the beginning of the wasn't! I made a family dinner for us of hamburgers, homemade dip, watermelon, apple pie, and baked corn. Even the dog got her own little hamburger! We tend to spoil her, haha. At the moment she is curled up under my chair waiting for me to go up to bed so she can hop in with me and cuddle. She is a very cuddly dog and loves to be around us at all times.

The Booga Bag dried much faster than I thought it would and is now completed and waiting to be given over to my friend Crystal. My mom has promised to take a picture of it before I give it away so I can put the picture here and on Ravelry. I can't wait to be able to show it off, along with the Harry Potter Scarves.

I hope all of you had a safe and happy holiday!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Knitting Frenzy

I finished the body of the Booga Bag last night because I just couldn't put it down. I made the i-cord for the handles today and it is currently all in the washer for my first attempt at felting! Fingers crossed! While I wait for the results I am going to head over to my favorite chair and work on that pesky Hufflepuff scarf.
I've got a lot of knitting ahead of me. After the Hufflepuff scarf I have yarn on the way for another Booga Bag and a request for yet another and also a pair of socks. And after all of that is done I need to destash by making a lot of my regular scarves. I have enough for at least 5, if not more hidden somewhere. I need to seriously destash before heading back to school because I am moving into a much smaller apartment where I will have far less room for all of my stuff. It is the perfect size for a single person, but there isn't much storage space and I hate rooms that look cluttered. I will definitely be on a "yarn diet" until I graduate and move into a bigger place in a few years. Until then it will be a "buy as you use it" kind of deal. I don't have the space or the money to build up a large stash.
Well, my needles are calling so I am off to answer!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Booga Booga!

I told myself that I would not start any new projects until I finished these scarves but the yarn arrived for one of the Booga Bags and I just had to cast on! I feel less guilty by considering that I am so sick of those scarves that I am not very productive while working on them. This way, I will get a small break and will come back refreshed and ready to knit away on the last scarf and get it done faster. I already have the bottom of the bag done and a few rows of the sides.
I am taking it over to the hospital with me and will work tonight and I think that will give me enough of a break that tomorrow I can be a good girl again and get back to the Hufflepuff Scarf.
After these scarves and the 2 Booga Bags I am planning on making, I will be reducing my stash by using leftover yarn from projects to make my "regular" scarves that only take a couple days. I just knit these in K2, P2 ribbing and my friends love them and want them much faster than I can ever crank them out!
My camera is still MIA and I am getting very frustrated! I have torn through all of my boxes and totes from school and can't find it anywhere. I know it made it home because I saw it once, but that was over a month ago and heaven only knows where it is now. That is the one disadvantage of coming home for the summer, I have no room anymore so my stuff gets moved all over the house sporadically and I never know where anything is. My box of towels ended up in the dining room and my box of dishes ended up in the upstairs hall!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Once again I am heading off to the chiropractor. I am having trouble deciding whether or not I should continue going as often as he says I need to. My mom swears by this guy but I'm just not sold yet. This week and last week I was to go 3 times a week, then the next 2 weeks go twice a week. After that he wants to see me once a week for the rest of the summer. I already have my appointments set up for the next two weeks and I think after that I will compromise and go every other week. He has definitely helped so far but I think at this stage in my life I do not actually need all of the correction that he says I need.
After my appointment I am heading home to knit until that darn Slytherin scarf is done! I am 4 inches from it being complete and I am determined it will be done today so I can get that Hufflepuff scarf started! Hopefully my yarn will be arriving soon for 2 Booga Bags off of Ravelry and I can get those started. I also have a blanket I have been crocheting that I just can't get into enough to make any progress.
The story behind the blanket...I was dating a guy (that I thought was absolutely great) and had already made him one blanket that he loved and he asked if I would make another one for him. I bought all the yarn and got very far into it. Then he dumped me. He had known for several weeks (the entire time I was making the blanket) that he was going to dump me but he couldn't work up the courage until he was back at school and we were talking online. I was so disgusted that I packed up everything he had given me plus the blanket and yarn into a box and wanted him to pick it all up. He never did because he didn't have the courage to face me while he was home and all of it is still boxed up except the blanket....I took it out one day and unraveled the entire thing. I didn't know what to do with the yarn so I decided to make another blanket, in a different pattern out of it. I got started but I just can't be motivated.