I attempted a blog once before and found that I didn't have the time for it when I began so it quickly fell apart. Since it is summer I am hoping to get in the habit of updating frequently so it becomes a habit that I can remember and keep up with when life gets hectic again at school.
Currently my camera is MIA among all the boxes from school that have not been unpacked. My parents are currently in the process of redoing their house and therefore almost nothing has been unpacked from school so it can be moved easily as they redecorate. As soon as it is found (which might not be until September) I will post pictures of my various adventures in knitting and life.
Right now I am working on a monumental reading list that I hope to complete by the end of next summer, after which I will begin taking the classes required for my english literature minor. The List started as classic novels that I have always wanted to read, then some books for fun were added, then some books suggested by my Literature for Young Adults professor, and then finally more suggestions from friends and family. The list is 150+ books at this point and hopefully won't grow much longer for the time being! I have been prowling the used book stores in the area trying to hunt down these books and have come up with about 50 of them. With such a wealth of literature it is hard for me to pick the order I will read the books in! Mostly I go with hardback books because they stay open on their own so I can knit at the same time!
I'm off to curl up with the Slytherin scarf to finish it off and watch Little Women. The scarf pictured above is what I am making, although I did not actually make the scarf in the picture.
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